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How I can help - clients 

I am able to assist clients with the following:  


  • Providing advice in respect of criminal charges

  • Representation through the court process, including at bail hearings, trials and sentencing

  • Engaging in case management discussions with Police to see if charges can be resolved 

  • Applications for discharge without conviction

  • Applications under section 94 of the Land Transport Act 

  • Appeals 

  • Limited licence applications (also known as work licences)

  • Parole hearings

  • Representation and advice if you are being investigated for a possible charge (including attending Police interviews) 

  • Responding to applications under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009


There may also be other matters that I am able to assist with. Please get in touch to discuss with me.

How I can help - lawyers

I am able to assist other lawyers with: 


  • Legal research

  • Drafting submissions and evidence 

  • Agency appearances in the Wellington region 

  • Assisting at trial as second counsel

  • Prison visits


I may be available at short notice to assist with the above matters. I have PAL 2 criminal legal aid approval, and am also a lead provider for family legal aid and civil legal aid matters. 

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