Information about fees
I act for private clients and legally aided clients.
If I am acting for you pursuant to a grant of Legal Aid, my fees will be paid directly by the Ministry of Justice. Depending on the conditions of your grant, you may be required to pay some of these fees back to the Ministry of Justice over time.
For more information about Legal Aid and whether you will be eligible for funding, please visit the Ministry of Justice website.
Private fees
My private hourly rate is $250 + GST per hour. My private fees are determined by the amount of time spent working on your matter. This will depend on the complexity of the matter and the amount of work that is necessary.
I will always provide you with a cost estimate, and in some situations I may be able to offer a fixed fee. All prospective clients will also be provided with a copy of my terms of engagement which provide further detail about my services.
If you would like to discuss my fees further, or request a copy of my terms of engagement, please feel free to get in touch.
Rebecca Stoop - Criminal Defence Lawyer